First Five Things to Do If Your Dogs Lost In CT

March 18, 2021
dogs lost in CT

First Five Things to Do If Your Dogs lost in CT

Your dogs lost in CT, and you’re ready to freak out and call the national guard. It’s understandable. This is a member of your family, and you’re afraid of what could happen if you don’t find them. First and foremost, don’t panic. Keeping calm and taking the proper steps is the most effective way to find your baby quickly and get them back home safely.

1. Call Local Shelters and Animal Control

dogs lost in ctYour dog could travel up to 50 miles from home under his own power. Contact all the animal shelters, animal control, and rescue organizations within a 50-mile radius and file a missing pet report. You should also visit as often as possible, as new pets come in every day and many facilities are sadly understaffed. Here are the Animal Control locations for south eastern Connecticut.

Norwich CT,  Town Of Montville CT, New London CT, Groton CT, Old Lyme CT, Lebanon CT, Preston CT, Griswold CT, CT Humane Society in Quarker Hill CT, North Stonington Dog Pound, Westerly RI, Old Saybrook CT 

2. Search Frequently

Search your area and any places you frequent with your pet on foot where possible, and drive when you have to. Ask friends, neighbors, store owners, delivery drivers, and anyone else if they’ve seen your pet. Make sure you have a recent photo of your pet with you; some people see many dogs throughout the day, and they start to all look “medium-sized, tan, and cute,” so the picture helps. Searching at different times throughout the day can help. 

Bonus Tip: Put food and water outside your home, your pet may find their way back to you on their own!

3. Use Social Media

The Internet has helped reunite countless pets and owners over the years. There are multiple websites pet lovers visit where you’ll find postings about missing pets. Post your missing pet photos and information on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Craigslist, and other social media sites you use. Make sure the post is public and ask everyone to repost on their own pages and share the information.

dogs lost in ctOne social media site dedicated to helping find lost dogs in Connecticut is CT Lost Pets. The site is highly active and effective, and people who have found lost pets often post here. You could find your pet before you even put up a post of your own, so be sure to scroll through pictures posted since your dog or cat went missing. Other sites to consider include Center for Lost Pets and Fido Finder and CT Dog Gone Recovery.

4. Make and Pass Out Flyers

dogs lost in ctPassing out and posting flyers with your pet’s picture and your contact information can quickly reach many people. Ask businesses if you can post a flyer in their window for passers-by to see. Good places to check include community centers, grocers, pet supply stores, and parks.

Your flyer should include your pet’s name, age, sex, weight, color, breed, and any distinguishing features. Is he or she wearing a collar? Do they have any unusual markings? Include a clear, color photo as well as your contact information. Any special instructions (don’t approach, she is afraid of men, etc.) can also help.

5. Check the Chip

Hopefully, your dog or cat is microchipped. If so, contact your veterinarian and the microchip company to report your pet stolen. They will put out an alert for others to be scanning for the chip. Make sure all your contact information for your pet’s microchip is current. You’d be surprised how many people move and forget to update microchip contact information. If your pet isn’t microchipped, be sure to have it done as soon as he or she is returned to you.

Be Proactive Before your Pet Is Lost

The best thing you can do is be prepared for this scenario, we all think it will never be our dog, until it is.

  • Take a clean and clear picture of your dog.  If they have any special markings, take pictures of those
  • Ensure their tags are up to date and they are registered with your town
  • Have a tag with your name, address, and phone number
  • Get an embroidered collar, put your phone number on it and you don’t have to worry about lost tags
  • Comb and save some hair in a ziplock bag in the freezer, change it every 6 months.  If you need to hire a scent dog team, such as CT Canine Search and Rescue, you’ll have a clean scent for the dogs

When you’re trying to find a beloved pet, you’re vulnerable. Be aware that your posts could bring scammers out of the woodwork, particularly if you offer a reward for the return of your pet. If someone contacts you, ask some questions to make sure they actually have your dog. Insist on meeting to get your pet before handing over any reward money and take someone with you.

It’s easy to get discouraged, but many dogs lost in CT find their way home of their own accord, so keep an eye out and continue to call your pet each day as you would normally. Don’t let your search efforts wane as days or weeks pass. Dedication and persistence should bring your best friend back sooner rather than later.

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